
Title IX Team Training

View our training materials below:






Training Webinars

Informal Resolution of Title IX Complaints with guest speaker Rob Litz

The information provided during the webinar was for educational purposes only and not intended to be legal advice. Attendees should seek independent legal advice concerning the issues presented. The PowerPoint slides are the property of United States Arbitration & Mediation (USA&M) and Title IX Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved, ©2020. The publishing of these materials on this website is authorized by USA&M and Title IX Solutions, LLC solely for use in compliance by this institution with Regulation §106.45(b)(10)(i)(A)-(C). No further use or dissemination is authorized without the prior unwritten consent of USA&M and Title IX Solutions, LLC.

Conducting and Adjudicating Title IX Hearings: An OCR Training Webinar

File a Sexual Misconduct Report

Students who do not wish to report sexual misconduct to the college may speak confidentially with on-campus and off-campus confidential resources.

Important Phone Numbers

Emergencies (24 hours a day) - 404.471.6400
Dean of Students - 404.471.6392
Title IX Coordinator - 404.471.6435
Title IX Coordinator for Students - 404.471.6394

Confidential Resources

Counseling and Psychological Services & Student Health - 404.471.7100
Chaplain - 404.471.6437
Accessible Education - 404.471.6174

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